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Customize the MediaPortal 2 menu language and choose how your date and time information will be displayed.

Date/Time Format

Date/Time format uses the .NET time class functionalities where a format string defines the text representation of date and time - see also Date/Time Format for some more explanation.

Time format

Enter a .NET time format compatible identifier.

Recommended standard values are

t6:41 AMEN-US
T6:41:37 AMEN-US

Time will by default be displayed in the respective regional standard that you have defined under "Language". However, you may adjust the time display to your personal preference by using a custom format.

Date format

Enter a .NET time format compatible identifier.

Recommended standard values are

DSaturday, 5/27/2017EN-US

Date will by default be displayed in the respective regional standard that you have defined under "Language".


The above default formats will display time and date in correspondence with the defined Language. The behavior can be changed by using customized .NET format identifiers that allow tweaking to tweak the display in every possible way.

Some examples:

d.MMM.yyyy6. Aug 2017


dddd, dd. MMMM yy
Sunday, 6. August 17

It is possible to use additional characters on top of the .NET format options. A format string like "### dd=M=yyy" will be displayed as ### 06=8=017.

Refer to Custom Date and Time Format Strings for a complete reference.


Select the language that you would like MediaPortal to use for the display of menu entries and help texts.

If you don't configure this option, the Windows system language will be used as default. 

Language Change

Changing the menu language requires the client application to be closed and restarted for the change to take full effect.



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